Overdue post! last saturday myself went crazy! me and a friend from TCA(The Collectors Alliance) went to the Hasbro warehouse sale to battle it out with toy collectors and crazy parents that wanted to whack cheap toys for their children.
it was a warzone, people were grabbing stuff left & right, it was just crazy! you had to basically grab and hold on tight to what ever you were holding, luckily i had an accomplice & we strategized, i grabbed the stuff and passed it to him to look over them :D in the end we managed to grab 2 big boxes full off stuff muahahaha.
im slowly turning to the Darkside!!im addicted to toys again!! argh!
once a year event!
early birds, 9.15 a.m
Grab grab grab, fight fight fight.
one of the hottest item that day, really had to fight for it as numbers were limited
Father & Son